
美洲中西艺术家协会是一个 501(c)(3)非营利性组织 致力于国际艺术、文化交流与合作的组织。


The 美洲中西艺术家协会 aims to provide a platform for international exchange, collaboration, and development for artists based in the U.S./China and overseas by means of organization, collection, exchange, and exhibition. By hosting live or online gallery exhibitions and live demonstrations of calligraphy and painting, as well as other activities in the United States and other countries, we will be able to help the artists to develop their artistic talents internationally, also to enhance their international popularity, and to inherit and promote the Chinese traditional culture and traditional arts, that will promote international humanistic exchanges and the prosperity and development of Eastern and Western arts.

2019年4月,协会得到 ABD国际有限公司的支持,与西切斯特大学宾夕法尼亚大学合作,邀请北京国艺人民书画院代表团(12人代表,其中10人为来自全国各地的优秀书画家)访问和推广中美文化 和艺术交流,并成功举办了 首届中国书画展. 在为期4天的展览活动中, 艺术家们在西切斯特大学的John H Baker美术馆进行了多次现场演示和教学。 此次活动规模空前,吸引了校内外众多各界人士。 深受大家的喜爱和赞赏,谱写了弘扬中华优秀文化艺术的新篇章!

The second Chinese Artists Calligraphy and Painting Fair/Exhibition was held at The Henry Galley in collaboration with Penn State University in Pennsylvania, USA. Please check out our event section.

2人评论了“About Us”

    1. Dear Gail.

      Thank you so much for your message and your interest in our society.

      Yes. It would be our pleasure to add you to our email address.

      We are looking forward to getting connected with you.

      Happy New Year!

      Best regards,

      Admin Team

